Neck Dissection

For some thyroid cancer patients, malignant cells can migrate into lymph nodes within delicate neck regions. Eliminating this cancer calls for precise, expert surgery termed neck dissection. Our team compassionately guides patients through preparatory education to curative treatment promoting long-term wellness.

Neck dissection is a surgical procedure performed to remove lymph nodes. There are two main types of neck dissections: central (inside the bounds of the left and right common carotid arteries) and lateral (outside these boundaries). When cancer cells spread to lymph nodes in the neck, it is usually recommended that the lymph nodes be surgically removed.

Skilled neck surgery allows clean removal of cancerous lymph tissue while preserving non-involved structures like nerves and parathyroid glands. Our expert specialists utilize emerging techniques like smaller incisions and rapid recovery protocols to minimize pain and scarring while accelerating healing.

From reassuring consultations through supportive post-op care, we aim to make overwhelmed patients feel heard, informed and hopeful. Trust our compassionate thyroid experts to eliminate malignant neck disease and pave the way toward restored health.