Augmentative and Alternative Communication Services

Our experienced team takes a hands-on approach to providing a variety of augmentative and alternative communication services for complex communicators of all ages.

Our Services Include:

  • Comprehensive, age-appropriate assessment of communication strengths and barriers considering:
    • Sensory and motor access,
    • Communication requirements of various settings and tasks,
    • Changing communication needs of the user given continued physical development or disease progression,
    • The features needed to make the technology match the needs of the communicator.
  • Extended, hands-on device trials in natural settings to allow informed consumer participation in final recommendations.
  • Knowledgeable assistance with funding for recommended communication technologies and needed accessories.
  • Follow-up with inclusive training on all new technologies to ensure successful communication across settings. Ongoing training using the new technology for developing language needs is also available.

What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication?

An Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) approach is a means to enhance communication competence in a person of any age with a significant communication disability. AAC approaches may range from using natural behaviors, such as facial expressions, vocalizations, and gestures, to more sophisticated signs, use of symbols, and technology. Typically, AAC strategies are used in combination like tools in a toolbox. Low-tech, high-tech and even no-tech strategies are combined when developing personalized AAC approaches for any one communicator. Appropriate AAC interventions can benefit facilitation of language development, increase natural speech production and promote compensation strategies for lost communication function. AAC interventions are often considered for people with diagnoses such as cerebral palsy,  AAutism Spectrum Disorders,  Down Syndrome, Apraxia of Speech, ALS, or  traumatic brain injury.